Kamis, 26 November 2009

My "home" process

Ihaan did half of it, I did the rest half

Selasa, 24 November 2009

she's all my world

fully dedicated to
Pramadhani Reihan Tuasikal

Minggu, 15 November 2009

This is the End

dedicated to
Pramadhani Reihan Tuasikal

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Internal versus External Locus of Control

Internal Locus of Control versus External Locus of Control

This theory developed by Jullian Rotter. This depicts as the reason of what happening into our lives, wether we put ourselves as the cause of success and failure or external situation as the cause of our success and failure. Some people so proud to show us that every success he or she had is because his or her own effort and blame the envi?ronment for such thing called failure.

Internal locus of control consists self-esteem, self-confident, self-blhaa..blahh.bla...Every effort human makes, personality, intellegence, gender, physical apperarance, emotional stability, management quality and any other things related INSIDE the person itself, Some people has so much reliance on themselves, nothing happened in this world to themselves caused by any other aspect, just them.

Oppositely, luck, faith, environment depicted as the cause of success of failure or success by people that has External Locus of Control. They believe that everything they got caused by luck, and everything that they failed to accomplish is not their fault, it's the situation.

So, what is the best approach? What if I say this, NOTHIN'. Do we have to have both? The answer is absolutely NO, because we already have it. Here is the thing, WORLD IS NOT LINEAR, IT'S MULTILINEAR. World doesn't work like simple mathematic, where everything can be calculated, and every thing has it caused and effect, and it's not difficult to explain it.

Try this, explain to some 3 years old kid, what air is. Try to explain to them why we breathe, what is breathing, or how we walk, or how they made, or even why we angry, sad, happy. I'll give you a standing applause if you can do that and make them understand and never ask that stuff again and again. LIVE IS NOT A SIMPLE CAUSE AND EFFECT EVENT.

You don't eat some food just becoz you hungry, what about the taste, price, amount, or even your supersticious to some food? If so, every food will be priced the same in the world, and everybody will have the same health condition.

Easy isn't it?

Think about this, LIVE IS COMPLEX. Some people find their soulmate, some people don't. Some people lucky enough to be born in rich family, some people don't, some people lucky to have a good education level, some don't. Some people lucky to have a complete part of body, some people don't. SOME PEOPLE LUCKY TO HAVE THEIR ONE, SOME DON'T. I'M THE LUCKIEST ONE IN THIS LAST PART!!!

This is my believe, affected by Taleb, Black Swan. Actually it's been taught years ago, Taleb just the trigger. Life is a serial of luck. We don't choose to be born in what kind of family, we don't choose to be a man or woman, we don't choose to have some handicap or advantage within any other human.

You'll think, "what about efforts we made?" here's the answer, all we do is make ourselves to be deserved to get the luck. Some people work very hard to be a smart people, eventually he smart, in his or her own standard. You may know everything, but where these information come from, book? Where is the book come from? Publisher? Where is the paper come from? Wood? What about the technology to make a paper? China made it? Imagine if you were born in that time, No pen, No paper, no book. Now, you can extent this thinking to modern technnology. Today's 5 years old kid MUST BE SMARTER BECOZ OF THEIR LUCK compare to 40-50 years ago, not becoz of the time only.

So many things happened in the world becoz of luck, faith. Google, Youtube, or even the 9/11. Imagine if the security system was more advance, imagine if the door of control room coudn't be disrupted by bullet. Imagine if the lamp is not made yet, imagine if we can predict our future. Imagine if we were not born as we are now.

So, what do we have to do? Again, do your best, wish your luck, and be grateful on what you have, be patient on what you don't have, becoz LIVE IS NOT LINEAR.