Minggu, 14 November 2010

So, what's next?

Hi N,

It's been a long time isn't it?

I'll go straight to the point, it's been a crazy months of being jobless, the 1st week was fine, 2nd lost I started shivering in doubt, and 3rd week I fell into emotional recklessness, sh*t. I was almost cry on the class, since the video showed was really related to what I felt at that time, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I was almost cry here. Week 4th, I started to build up job-searching again which is not stopping until now. There's still more going on in this matter, it's getting better somehow, lets skip that first.

The main point I wanna tell is I fell challenged right now, since one of my friend asked me to talk about leadership in front of youngster, 14-15 years old. I think it would be easier to talk in front of undergraduate students compared to this age-group. I can't generalize, I know, but this is what I think bout them. They're more assertive than my age-group, they're more informed bout the world, on the other side they're more ignorant bout what's not interesting in them. Recklessly is one word that I can use to describe this kind of group-age I guess, the think that they are always right, they are invisible, and they can do whatever they want to everyone.

Perhaps I'm wrong, hopefully I'm wrong. Let's move the concern, now, I know I can't talk about the Burma democratic leader who was just released, I can't talk bout how Obama defensed his health care policy, I can't talk how shitty Proton management is, I can't talk bout local underground music scene and push them to their back that they know nothin bout music until they know their local talented scenes, I guess the safest way is to tell bout lullaby...or maybe my own experience during my undergraduate time? or maybe my music career, hmm, no, they'll ignore that until I got an album at least. Yes, lullaby, or super famous leaders (fyi, Gandhi is not famous amongst youth in India, do u believe that?).

So, famous leaders, lullaby, what else? music again? I think I'll always fall into that pitfall, what if I'm talking about how music help me get through my hell-life? sounds interesting isnt't it?

Famous leader, who, what are we gonna talk about? engagement or not? I'm confused. The easiest way, let them spit out their favorite, and spend sometime questioning why do they spit that names, that will take 5 mins I guess, then looking the similarities for those favorite leaders of them, but that sounds cheesy, everybody's doing that. What about then spitting out MY favorite, and the story of him? on the other hand, it's story, not just facts that move almost everybody's ass to change their life right? who's story then? I got several names on my head, Obama, Mandela, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King and for sure, Muhammad SAW.

I don't wanna scare them with religiosity, I'm not a religious person anyway, and I don't think Muhammad is even He's perceived as one. Obama is current, I can find the info easily. Owh, this is what really stuck in my mind, the story of Martin Luther King Jr. When he called his staff and said that the one that hindrance their performance is died today, they went into a room, and came out in a pale face, but somehow there's proud and faith on those faces. (ask me if u wanna know the story). That will at least spend another 10 mins if I'm doing a bad job in story telling.

Lullaby, something conceptual, familiar with these young minds, i don't think they read "Ping", it's one of the best story book I've ever read. Rapunzel? kh..too childish, what about the robot in the story "The Wizard of Oz", since last night we've been talking bout robot in my band song-writing session, which was not that productive, but we should've learn a lot. I can find out bout that too. Then preparing myself for the virtues of the story, then let them spit out theirs before mine, that will take bout 10 mins.

The last one, my story, I really feel confused, I don't wanna look corny. I started learning music since junior high school, but went swim into it during high school, where the turbulent was. It was suck. I held and study guitar again seriously back when I was in my 2nd year of my undergraduate, and several friends told me I was freak about it. So, vocal since high school, 2nd year, and guitar since 2nd year of undergraduate. In total it's about 7 years until the point I'm at right now, which is a kind of slow. The virtues I want to talk about is about perseverance, having a faith in yourself, and being exposed to the world to understand why do we have to respect other, why do we have to believe that basically drama movie is full of bullshit, and why do we have to be honest and grateful to ourselves. I think that will spend lots of time, bout 20 mins, so let that be the spare.

Thanks N, u helped.

Next posting will be more concrete I guess

(Sadly, I don't have WIOI time no more, Batai Hostel Room M19, 1.09am my laptop time)

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Class' M n A Insight

Hi again N, this is the second one this month ha?

I got a couple things to be written here, class matter la.

First, I do realize that none of my group member are full time student, which makes it a lil difficult in one side, and easier on the other side. The hard part, we don't have any member that has a big amount of time to help us with the material, the one who can read everything given, and give a suggestion to other member on which one is relevant to the question. The lifter side is they have knowledge and experience which for sure enrich the group.

Second, none of them are round talker, I'm sorry, this is my phrase for people who likes to talk rounding around the bushes, spending each team member time just to listen bullshit. GREAAATTT TEEAAAMMM!!! (I'm sorry people, if I were too pushy). They own their expertise, and able to articulate that. To be honest, the 2nd best group I've ever had.

Second, lemme talk about another class member, this guy, had been in my group for twice, lucky he isn't this time. He's the round talker. That's one fact, another fact that I just realize last night, was he loves to talk things that was none of his area of expertise, or having a knowledge about that. I showed him the video of Owl City, and I told him that this guy made his song alone in the garage, all alone. As a musician for sure I know how difficult recording, mixing, and mastering music are. Knowledge never enough for this thing, "flat ear" that works for concert doesn't really apply in this area, you have to feel it. I won't go to any technical stuff, to make the story short, IT IS HARD. And he said that everybody can pack their stuff in their garage, yeah, what a moron, that I think can't even draw C chord.

Another guy, the talk lover, that always say that "I'm a ....." I won't publish, too straight forward for you reader. What I'm trying to say here is, human arrogance is the sign of imbeciles. Do you know why? This is earth, please, you have to prove yourself everyday, it was such a shallow statement to make people buy what are you saying, again, imbecile. You're not stepping out of your door and saying "I'm a trainer (oops)", or "I'm a doctor", or "I'm a professor" and you expect to make people look high for you. Put your hand on your chest and be honest to the world, it's not your title that makes you who you are, IT'S YOURSELF MOROON! It's what have you done for others, it's what you have given to the rest of your team.

I know this is not easy, we always want people look high to ourselves, this is normal. Especially for man. However, that is not the way to make it, prove yourself, in every aspect of life, it's called "far transfer" (Dr. Mohan term) or "competency fluidity" (mine), which means the compentencies that make you an expert in your field are supposed to be able to generate more expert behaviors on the other field of your life. I have to admit, sometimes I did it too, and at least i want to press it down, not to show my imbeciles off to the people.

Lucky, none of my member are like those two guys. I'll be sooo depressed to deal with these kind of people. I have no patience to spend my time listening bullshit and arrogance. just like Alexander Pope said "Sure of their qualities and demanding praise, more go to ruined fortunes than are raised."

Owh, the last thing, I don't believe in internal or external locus of control. All you do, are to make yourself deserve to the luckiness that shared on earth and every part of the world.


Senin, 03 Mei 2010

CIMB Malaysia's problem

Hiiiii N, long time no see.

I've been having a lot great time, and a lil bit bad time.

This is one of the bad, just recently happened.

Approximately two weeks ago, I logged in to my CIMB internet account to reload my phone credit, I used my favorite number which is my number for sure. It didn't work. I didn't complain yet since I got a lot work to do in the office (Leaderonomics has been a greaat office).

Today, I went there, sacrificing my office time to take care of everything, my money suddenly arise, probably because of my paycheck, but it didn't printed on the transaction, lame 1. Lame 2 is last night, a couple dozens time I tried to reload my phone credit, again, it didn't work. Lame 3, I tried to log in at the CIMB's office, I forgot my password, and they made it difficult for me to get another password. I have to call, reset my ePIN, and redo all the internet banking registration again, please!

Suggestion 1: please fix the internet system, it's likely to be failed at night, C'MON, it's digital time where everything is automated, and the system doesn't have to follow your working hour, PLEASE!

Suggestion two: give me back my money, and I went there, and they asked me to make a phone call, TO THEIR PLACE, WTF?!

Suggestion three: Please, make everything easy for the customer, why don't you just send me a text of my password, or email me the password, A LOT EASIER!

Owh, and the last thing, please provide internet connection for customer to fix their own problem. Don't be to skeptical about they using your connection to facebooking.

A lot of good things happened, other than this problems. However, please fix this.

Thanks a lot for everybody who read this.

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Strategy Vs Tactic, actually, Persistence

by andreaskluth

One thread on The Hannibal Blog, as regular readers know, is strategy. That’s because strategy (as distinct from tactics, which is also important) is so important in achieving success. Genius tactics in service of the wrong strategy leads to disaster, as it did for the main character in my forthcoming book, Hannibal of Carthage.

Mark Hurst over at Good Experience has an amusing and insightful post on strategy as opposed to tactics. (Mark, by the way, also runs Gel, an ideas conference and a mini-TED, as it were.)

On one hand, Mark quotes Calvin Coolidge, our 30th (as well as 30th-most-impressive) president:

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

If I may reflect on my guy, Hannibal: He had remarkable persistence: Leading an army of elephants over the Alps, defeating the Romans, staying undefeated in Italy for 16 years!!

The trouble with the Coolidge take on success is, as Mark points out, that the effectiveness of persistence

depends on having the right direction. Without that one little element, the entire effort is for naught.

So Mark wheels out the Cheshire Cat, a sort of feline Clausewitz. Alice asks which way she should go, and the Cheshire Cat answers:

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.

“I don’t much care where,” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

To Mark that means that

you have to stop and take time to find the direction. You can’t run while you’re reading the map.

To me it means that Hannibal was a bit like Alice. Yes, he knew that he wanted to defeat Rome (which was like saying “I want to achieve success”–ie, vague). But he did not know where he wanted to go (ie, how to go about defeating Rome).

Originally posted in http://andreaskluth.org/2009/09/25/strategic-thinking-coolidge-v-cheshire-cat/

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Delayed gratification and anomaly of love

Law of delayed gratification

We want to be the best in this life. We want to be someone that counts, respected, have a dignity and pride, and stand proud in the middle of the croud of what we’re doing in this life. Some people gained that through money, some people through power, and other through their profound mind.

Despite of that, there are still so many bunch of people are stuck and become a burden ofsomeone else. The leaners.

This is the fallacies that happening all around the world. The cases like drugs addiction, sex addiction, robbery, greeds, political affair, divorce, or even eating disorder whatever form it takes are the forms of the existence of both laws. Let me take us to the mundane cases, eating too much, laying down on your sofa in front of TV while you have an assignment, your boss angry at you as you fall behind the deadline, or any case that you stay on your comfort zone and not doing anything productive for your life. Have you?

We don’t dicipline ourselves as we think we are.

First law, delayed of gratification. Picture this following scene in your head, you eat too much, you’re stomach stuffed and you feel that is no other dish will satisfy you more, the same scene works if you eat the same food everyday, eventhough it might felt delicious at the first time, no matter how fancy it was, you’ll try to find another type of food. Or maybe this, You have a dozen of shirt on your closet, and all of them are red, eventhough you’re a freaky fan of red, there’s always a need for variation in your life. Uncertainty, variation, surprise are needed in our life, if its bad it’s called problem then.

What is this then, this is the law of delayed gratification. The more you delay what you deserve to get, the more you struggle for earn the respect of it, the more satisfaction you will get. This has a connection with the law of value also. The more scarce the thing, the more you appreciate it. The more you know you will be able to get it in some high level of hurdle, the more you want it, and the more you’ll appreciate the result and be grateful for it. However self efficacy is still there.

High intensity, in a short period of time, proven to be more satisfying.

Unfortunately, in some level, people are satisfied with the short term of satisfaction and simply don’t understand this law. Their vision are blocked, they wanna live this day as the last day of their life, in a bad way for sure. As I said before, drugs addiction, sex addiction, new clothes every day, or any other form that will satisfy or basic needs in a short term are clogging our ways to self improvement and actualization.

Let us depict the opposite way. What about the pain, hurt, and dissatisfaction instead of amount of reward? As Dr. Dan Ariely said, He has done some research that proves people tend to receive less intensity of pain in longer perios of time, instead of high intensity in a short period, which is supposed to be work on the self gratification.

Fasting in some religion are the obligation, since they know at the end they will get the gratification and satisfaction of it, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Tattoing and piercing for some people are the source of satisfaction, the feeling that the pain is the thrill of self-change, the feeling of control of their own body. Learning takes a lot of amount of energy. Body building takes a huge amount of hurts of change. Every technical, mental, and cognitive expertise takes a commitment of struggle and pain bearer to grasp it.

Then, how do we apply it? As every religion said, be patient, keep struggling, stay on your gut, these may be sounds corny, and it’s true. The ability to bear the pain, to delay the gratification for the greater good are worth for the satisfaction we will get. Find your goal, search for the map (google geeks!) and DO IT!!! MAKE A DECISION ON YOUR OWN LIFE, DON’T LET OTHERS!

Love is an anomaly, no matter how hurt it before, we know that we need some more. No matter how satisfying we have now, we still need some more, high intensity, high amount of time, at least that what I feel. Thanks to Pramadhani Reihan Tuasikal.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010


Masih inget aku kegatelan ngasi kamu buku sayang?

Masih inget aku nyulik kamu maem padahal aku baca sherlock dan nmenin ngobrol doang?

Masih inget malem kita duduk di serambi orang nyanyi2, cerita3, mpe pagi?

Masih inget "anjing dan khafilah"?

Masih inget smua ksetiaanmu ma aku waktu aku di rumah sakitkan?

Masih inget smua masa bahagia kita?

Masih inget smua masa susah dan kita bisa ngelewatinnya?

Met ultah Pramadhani Reihan Tuasikalku!

Misi: April, 11th 2010

kita bakal dapet lagi itu semua, dan bakal slalu aku usahain buat balik selamanya ke pelukanmu!!!

How rational are we???

The world we're living is full of stimulus, our brain makes us capable to select where are we going to put attention at. Some of us made this process in a rational way, and some of us are redundant to admit that they made this process in an irrational way.

Our brain makes us more intellegence than any other specimen living on the earth. No specimen on earth are able to make an internet connection such we do now. We use it to make life easier, which at some point sacrifice any other aspect of our life. There's always a balance in life, the problem is we don't realize it easily. We identify problems, realize the options, generate options, make choices, and evaluate it, rational decision making for making a breakthrough from problems.

The problem is, we don't realize our cognitive limitations. How many of you have ever planned your mothly grocery budget and went home with more stuffs in hand? How many of you have ever made a wrong turn in the road you knew, and you've planned your trip? How many of you are divorced, sorry, broke up with your mate???r

There are so may cognitive illusion, exists in so many form, visual esspecially. Since much part of our brain are dedicated to process the input from this cencory more than any other part. The design of advertising creates some effects such primmary, recency, and intencity effects. Marketing media are using so many ways to attract our vision instead of revealing the core of the product. Or even some fatal decision of some political situation triggers catastrophic war. Explaininig this is more difficult since the demonstration are not digested easily compared to visual illusion demostration.

What about this is the answer, we are afraid of making sophisticated decision, so we stay on default. In which we feel comfortable about it. We eat something that we have eaten before, make a decision based on rudimentary experiences since it worked before and we think in might work for another chance when the (seem like) similar situations comes up. Our emotion plays part in our life more than we realize. We made a rational just to satisfy it.

Check this one out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhjUJTw2i1M

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Are we (human) unique???

Have you guys ever seen chimpanzee who's living a live like a kid???

Do you believe that eagle has more sharp eyes than we are???

Have you ever thought that swan has a good sense of direction annndddd leadership???

Do you know that bees also addicted to caffeine nowadays???

There still so many examples that make us feel ununique. We are not really different from another specimen. Some of them has intellegence, to solve their own problem, they have emotion and able to show and recognize it, they have empathy, they have sense of humor, they have intra-species aggresion, what else do we need to recognize that we are not unique???

You may be counter this argument with the evidence of technological and cultural progression that human have made, let me say this, all of that are only a matter of level. We are gifted by God with another level of intellegence, and also emotion. The problem is, whether are we gonna use it as a lifter of our weight, or a destroyer to our enemy, orrr, there are still some leaner within us.


Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

The top 10 most romantic quotes

1. The man isn’t poor if he still able to laugh (Raymond Hitchock).
2. Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. (H.Jackson Browne).
3. Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. (James Baldwin).
4. You’ll always know when the right person walks into your life. (The Butcher’s Wife).
5. I told you that I will struggle (Amy Winehouse).
6. We are the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea, the flowers of one garden.(Jean Baptiste Henry Lacordaire).
7. The Journey is the reward (Chinese Proverb).
8. This heart, it beats, beats for only you (Paramore).
9. I hope you can take me as you take your poops (Niqi).
10. I love you (Anonymous).

fully dedicated to Pramadhani Reihan Tuasikal.

new wordpress header

again, dedicated to Pramadhani Reihan Tuasikal

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

New formal look

again, dedicated to Pramadhani Reihan Tuasikal

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

This War Never Ends


The war for talented people keep continues. These people are the most valuable asset for organizations. Today’s organizations are looking for peoples whom other organizations also look after. These people represent the number of people who are ready to face the challenge, seize the opportunity, and tapped into the most profitable organization not only for financial package, but also for personal development and other virtues.

Just like any war happened in the world, there are always winner and loser resulted from it. The winners-take-all mechanism happens since the beginning of the world. The sound is always so loud that it always better to sweat more than bleed more in the realm of war. How much one side prepared for the battle in never-enough time frame in all side of advantages and disadvantages, calculating the risk, getting all the resources needed in order to win the battle and all others preparations that could determine the result of the war.

However, in this 21st century era, the result will never be as obvious or linear as the traditional physical war anymore. The complexity is raising and the result can be more catastrophic, not only physical but also in the rest of the live of the victim. The number of poor as the result of unbalance social justice distribution, the collapse and bankruptcy of several business organizations or even some country’s poor condition are just few samples of the lost of war.

As every army needs a great general, every organization needs a good leader and human capital. Today’s organizations are facing a complex environment where everything is changing rapidly. The change is not predictable in frame of time, intensity, or even its sources. Organizations need the leaders to keep them on track and sustain the establishment to keep attain their organizational objectives.

Human capital is one aspect that every organization cannot terribly ignore. Organizations need people to gain their objectives in all levels and functions. Another business organization can copy their systems, machines, or even have more financial capital, but still, one solely thing that competitor cannot copy is human capital.

Talented human capital is the source of organization’s energy, it is their soul. If organizations treat them wrong, they will leave and ends on the competitor, which is not really good news for one side as the leader of organizations that has been left. That is why, Summerville (2007) said in his article that developing and retaining talent as their future leader is probably the biggest imperative for managers.

People are learning in a different way. New kind of technology pushes a new way of information’s current. New market drives a new need of set of skills in employee. Structural change in organization also creates a new set of skills in each employee. People need to learn a new way to do things more effectively and efficiently. So does learning. People want to be able to do things as fast as possible to anticipate changes in the world.

Global business expansion does not just affect business with international operations but also local companies that may buy or use goods that have been produced overseas, hire employees with different nationality background and compete with foreign-owned companies.

Many companies area tapping globalization opportunity by exporting their products, building manufacturing overseas, building alliances with foreign companies and engaging in e-commerce. Competition for local managers exceeds the available supply. Furthermore, companies need to attract and retain local talented managers, or potential managers in order to pave their expansion way.

Since globalization burgeons rapidly, people are learning that in order to seize the opportunity they have to be aware that they will compete in a global level, getting into widely varied personalities, interact and manage communication with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Organizations often provide newbie with mentoring, hands-on job experience, and formal courses to develop employee’s skills. These people realized that it is not only managerial skills needed to compete in this level, but also emotional skills such ability to recognize other’s state of emotion, self-awareness, and for sure, leadership.

Because of these expansions, companies need the local talent to understand the market so they can dig deeper successfully. These local talents have the knowledge about culture, belief, and any other ritual that company does not understand yet. This is why they can be called as knowledge worker. They are needed by companies since they may possess some specialized knowledge that their managers may not have, such as information about customer. This is why knowledge worker have may job opportunities. In order to facilitate this, children are soon being focused on area of expertise they want instead of learning general knowledge so they can be soon absorbed in the work field and be on the top of pyramid of labor market.

As the result of those demands, job requirement also changes which forces people to be ready to have a steep learning curve. Not only hard skills are needed, but also interpersonal skills as a complement to cognitive skills, such analytical and creative thinking skills.

As long as the business changes to operate globally, organizational strusture also changed as well. The structure is flatter than before. Therefore, managers nowadays are demanded to do more things in order to manage their business. This structure provides faster communication in a shorter way of structural change. As the result, they need more skills since the range of respinsibilities also broader than before. As this goes on, people are demanded to learn so many things in a short time.

Technological growth are supporting this needs as well as job rotation and cross-regional work rotation. People are easily getting more information by many ways provided by technology. Technology provides new way to do things, including learning. It is not only as the source of information, but also as a tool for practicing, a tool to analyze information, and also to help learners generate a deeper and wider understanding.

Ballots and Taymaz (1999) stated there are forms of learning that affected by technological changes: learning-by-doing, learning-by-using, learning-by-learning, incremental innovation, and radical innovation, these are popular distinction. Incremental innovation allows an improvement in the capital and labor productivity within the limits of an existing technology while radical innovation provides the best challenge for the talented people to adapt in a new complex business environment.

In a more complex environment, as the technology grows rapidly, it is impossible to make a perfect decision, even with all those learning style walked by some people. The decision that could possibly satisfy one side may not be the result of satisfaction of the other side. The decision that worked a week ago may not be the right decision for the recent situation that seems to be alike. When radical innovation takes place, rule of learning is more intensive and this is important for the success to jump into a higher technological paradigm.

The change of how businesses expand globally, structural changes, and technological changes affect the way people learn. In the more sophisticated environment, one decision may affect all in a good and bad way. The flood of new sources of information, the new best practices, and new tools of analysis change all the things in learning. As effects, people learn faster, wider, and deeper.

It may not be your decision whether you want to change or not, but it will be a great decision if you are the changer for the benefit of goods. Everything is changing unless the change itself, as long as the organizations need talented people, this war never ends.

Note: This is my individual assignment. If its a lil bit far of the box, then u've already seen my footprint..HHahaha.

Technological burn out

Technological burn out

I have no idea whether this title phrase exist or not. However, I really did burn out. I feel like my head is going to be exploded, C4 is not enough, a lot bigger. I wanna make some trouble with anyone who disturb me this time. The trigger is, NO CONNECTION. My headset is on, on almost-full volume, which makes the song so full of distortion.

Additionally, this hostel security stuff plays Indian song, so loud, don’t he see that the guy next to me is learning, and I’m so pissed?

Sorry however, for him.

What kind of modern student hostel, with students from all over the world paying it, that has NO INTERNET CONNECTION, AT ALL. I’m impressed. Can’t terribly wrong. Sorry for the university which located underground in Kuala Lumpur. Maybe it’s not under your management, but you should know about this.

To be honest I’m so pissed off now. Second to-be-honest statement, I need it to connect with my girl. I don’t care if you reader sees it as non-important stuff, I DON’T FUCKIN CARE. SHE’S THE ONE WHO MAKES ME WILLING TO SACRIFICE. I DO believe, I’ll never find someone like her anymore.

I did all my assignment to impresses her. I got my scholarship money and save it for her, even though she always pushes me to use it for my own good, and I did. I’ll do my best to get back to her. I spend my time here to be productive, as no one of 23 years old people do with my set of skills. God send her to me to stretch me to be my best. Thanks God.

I know I’m lucky enough to be alive, lucky enough to have fully functioned part of body, lucky enough to have a parents that give me a space, a lot of space, lucky enough to be sent here, one of the best international university in East Asia, lucky enough to have a friends which I learn a lot of things from, lucky enough to have a good example of bad (was) and good (is) bosses (I’ll say his name, Sean, Italian Ekspress), lucky enough to have this middle class (behringer hpx-4000) headset on my head, lucky enough to have Tohpati’s song “Kedamaian, ft Terry” sings on my ear, lucky enough TO HAVE HER, I’M GRATEFUL, SOOO GRATEFUL FOR THE LAST ONE.

Notes: “Ihaan would you please wait, waiting for the world to turn me back.” I MISS U.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

It's a beautiful life

The best 5 days of my life

And there will be more, not only untill the end of time, but untill the heaven strain us together. AMIN.

By the way, our photo never as humble and full of maturity as above.

This ain’t a story of life, it’s a story about love. When human being never understand what it means, never want to be separated anymore, never constrained in space and time. This is a story about physically space splitted two human beings in love apart.

The first day, 17 January 2010, I arrived in the beautiful old city called Yogyakarta, the woman I’ve been in love with, the woman I saved my money for, the woman who deserves anything I got, standing in pain for almost-heart-attack of waiting for several months I’ve been gone. The brown magic woman that made me willing to read so many fuckin boring journals, do my assignments, sacrifice my few lunch, and stand in love.

She caught my eyes, and hugged me in front of so many people who are waiting for their missing one, I kissed her forehead, and we walked under the stare of so many people. Jealousy, ooowh yeah, I could see that in your eyes people, I don’t care. I didn’t bring any baggage, so I was the first one got out from that station, IN HURRY, I MISS HER SOOO MUCH.

All the way down to 22nd of January, things never been this beautiful before. Unless the time we were together back to my “transition” time off course. To make the story shorter, we made the culinary adventure as Yogyakarta is the heaven of food, starts from nasi kucing untill SNACK as expensive as Rp. 95,000.00. Anddd....I got The Lost Symbol...hhehehe.

Just like Hayley said in Let This Go, I’ll never let this go. This is my path, this is my avenue, this is where I found that I do something not for my solely self purpose. So, my definition of love is when you feel you’re nothing untill somebody loves you.

This separation will lead us stronger.

Comeback to Kuala Lumpur, hate to say it, but my life feels empty. No concert in the next two months. Part-suck-time job is waiting. Assignments await, which is the only one I’m excited to do. OK, maybe two, along with photography workshop commitee. However, thanks God, for stretching me this far, I do believe You have the best plan for me, for her, for all of us. I do.


  • Paramore sings on my ear “this heart, it beats, beats for only you, my heart is yours.”
I got my ticket for April. The other mission to accomplish....Yeeah!!