Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Class' M n A Insight

Hi again N, this is the second one this month ha?

I got a couple things to be written here, class matter la.

First, I do realize that none of my group member are full time student, which makes it a lil difficult in one side, and easier on the other side. The hard part, we don't have any member that has a big amount of time to help us with the material, the one who can read everything given, and give a suggestion to other member on which one is relevant to the question. The lifter side is they have knowledge and experience which for sure enrich the group.

Second, none of them are round talker, I'm sorry, this is my phrase for people who likes to talk rounding around the bushes, spending each team member time just to listen bullshit. GREAAATTT TEEAAAMMM!!! (I'm sorry people, if I were too pushy). They own their expertise, and able to articulate that. To be honest, the 2nd best group I've ever had.

Second, lemme talk about another class member, this guy, had been in my group for twice, lucky he isn't this time. He's the round talker. That's one fact, another fact that I just realize last night, was he loves to talk things that was none of his area of expertise, or having a knowledge about that. I showed him the video of Owl City, and I told him that this guy made his song alone in the garage, all alone. As a musician for sure I know how difficult recording, mixing, and mastering music are. Knowledge never enough for this thing, "flat ear" that works for concert doesn't really apply in this area, you have to feel it. I won't go to any technical stuff, to make the story short, IT IS HARD. And he said that everybody can pack their stuff in their garage, yeah, what a moron, that I think can't even draw C chord.

Another guy, the talk lover, that always say that "I'm a ....." I won't publish, too straight forward for you reader. What I'm trying to say here is, human arrogance is the sign of imbeciles. Do you know why? This is earth, please, you have to prove yourself everyday, it was such a shallow statement to make people buy what are you saying, again, imbecile. You're not stepping out of your door and saying "I'm a trainer (oops)", or "I'm a doctor", or "I'm a professor" and you expect to make people look high for you. Put your hand on your chest and be honest to the world, it's not your title that makes you who you are, IT'S YOURSELF MOROON! It's what have you done for others, it's what you have given to the rest of your team.

I know this is not easy, we always want people look high to ourselves, this is normal. Especially for man. However, that is not the way to make it, prove yourself, in every aspect of life, it's called "far transfer" (Dr. Mohan term) or "competency fluidity" (mine), which means the compentencies that make you an expert in your field are supposed to be able to generate more expert behaviors on the other field of your life. I have to admit, sometimes I did it too, and at least i want to press it down, not to show my imbeciles off to the people.

Lucky, none of my member are like those two guys. I'll be sooo depressed to deal with these kind of people. I have no patience to spend my time listening bullshit and arrogance. just like Alexander Pope said "Sure of their qualities and demanding praise, more go to ruined fortunes than are raised."

Owh, the last thing, I don't believe in internal or external locus of control. All you do, are to make yourself deserve to the luckiness that shared on earth and every part of the world.


Senin, 03 Mei 2010

CIMB Malaysia's problem

Hiiiii N, long time no see.

I've been having a lot great time, and a lil bit bad time.

This is one of the bad, just recently happened.

Approximately two weeks ago, I logged in to my CIMB internet account to reload my phone credit, I used my favorite number which is my number for sure. It didn't work. I didn't complain yet since I got a lot work to do in the office (Leaderonomics has been a greaat office).

Today, I went there, sacrificing my office time to take care of everything, my money suddenly arise, probably because of my paycheck, but it didn't printed on the transaction, lame 1. Lame 2 is last night, a couple dozens time I tried to reload my phone credit, again, it didn't work. Lame 3, I tried to log in at the CIMB's office, I forgot my password, and they made it difficult for me to get another password. I have to call, reset my ePIN, and redo all the internet banking registration again, please!

Suggestion 1: please fix the internet system, it's likely to be failed at night, C'MON, it's digital time where everything is automated, and the system doesn't have to follow your working hour, PLEASE!

Suggestion two: give me back my money, and I went there, and they asked me to make a phone call, TO THEIR PLACE, WTF?!

Suggestion three: Please, make everything easy for the customer, why don't you just send me a text of my password, or email me the password, A LOT EASIER!

Owh, and the last thing, please provide internet connection for customer to fix their own problem. Don't be to skeptical about they using your connection to facebooking.

A lot of good things happened, other than this problems. However, please fix this.

Thanks a lot for everybody who read this.