Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

How rational are we???

The world we're living is full of stimulus, our brain makes us capable to select where are we going to put attention at. Some of us made this process in a rational way, and some of us are redundant to admit that they made this process in an irrational way.

Our brain makes us more intellegence than any other specimen living on the earth. No specimen on earth are able to make an internet connection such we do now. We use it to make life easier, which at some point sacrifice any other aspect of our life. There's always a balance in life, the problem is we don't realize it easily. We identify problems, realize the options, generate options, make choices, and evaluate it, rational decision making for making a breakthrough from problems.

The problem is, we don't realize our cognitive limitations. How many of you have ever planned your mothly grocery budget and went home with more stuffs in hand? How many of you have ever made a wrong turn in the road you knew, and you've planned your trip? How many of you are divorced, sorry, broke up with your mate???r

There are so may cognitive illusion, exists in so many form, visual esspecially. Since much part of our brain are dedicated to process the input from this cencory more than any other part. The design of advertising creates some effects such primmary, recency, and intencity effects. Marketing media are using so many ways to attract our vision instead of revealing the core of the product. Or even some fatal decision of some political situation triggers catastrophic war. Explaininig this is more difficult since the demonstration are not digested easily compared to visual illusion demostration.

What about this is the answer, we are afraid of making sophisticated decision, so we stay on default. In which we feel comfortable about it. We eat something that we have eaten before, make a decision based on rudimentary experiences since it worked before and we think in might work for another chance when the (seem like) similar situations comes up. Our emotion plays part in our life more than we realize. We made a rational just to satisfy it.

Check this one out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhjUJTw2i1M

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